Their Excellencies of Carillion
Their Excellencies of Carillion are appointed by the Reigning Monarchs after consulting the Populace of the Barony.  They represent their Royal Majesties and with their grace hold courts where they can recognize the people of Carillion with Baronial Awards and gifts. 

Update from the Baronesses! Summer has arrived and with it comes WAR! Pennsic is approaching and we are preparing for our adventures. We hope to see you there. Show off your skills on the martial fields, throw axes, shoot arrows and stab things! Display your Arts & Sciences, teach a class or run a demonstration . Donate your time, teach a class or sign up at volunteer point. Don’t forget to play and party! Stay hydrated, wear sunscreen and rest when needed. Have a Great War! Mairghread and Tysha

The Barony of Carillion is located in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). It covers all of Ocean, Monmouth, Mercer, as well as parts of Burlington and Middlesex counties. We have two cantons: Forestgate (currently in abeyance) and The Keep by the Endless Sea. As a group we learn about life in the Middle Ages by getting involved in activities such as brewing, fighting, fencing, archery, calligraphy, music, dancing, cooking, and costuming among others.

What is the SCA?

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international non-profit volunteer educational organization. The SCA is devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat, culture, and employing knowledge of history to enrich the lives of participants through events, demonstrations, and other educational presentations and activities.

Members of the SCA study and take part in a variety of activities, including combat, archery, equestrian activities, costuming, cooking, metalwork, woodworking, music, dance, calligraphy, fiber arts, and much more. If it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, odds are you’ll find someone in the SCA interested in recreating it.

If you want to learn more visit the SCA about page!

I want to get involved!

Want to get involved but don’t know where to start? First lets make sure you are in the right place, the SCA has a tool to help you find your local group.

After you find your local group contact the Chatelaine (Also called Hospitaller or Castellan). They can help you with meeting schedules, every group has a monthly business meeting that are open to Newcomers. If you are interested in any particular activity, they can put you in touch with someone who can get you involved.

The Carillion Chatelaine can be reached through their email at

This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright Barony of Carillion of the SCA. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

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