Come join us at upcoming local events! Southern Region War Camp May 31

Their Excellencies of Carillion are appointed by the Reigning Monarchs after consulting the Populace of the Barony. They represent their Royal Majesties and with their grace hold courts where they can recognize the people of Carillion with Baronial Awards and gifts.
The holidays have ended, and we are in the mist of the deep freeze. As we all try to stay warm and cozy in our houses, our minds turn to spring and upcoming events! We are looking forward to Bellringers, our Baronial Birthday party. In March our neighbors in Settmour Swamp will be hosting Crown A&S Champions as well as Mudthaw. We are very much looking forward to attending the upcoming fencing Crown Tournament.
With spring approaching, our minds turn to our upcoming polling and the return of warmer weather! We hope to see you at some upcoming events and are looking forward to the last few months of our time as your Baronesses.
In Service to the Dream
Mairghread and Tysha
We are planning a baronial election this spring! The candidates’ Letter of Intent is available here: Don Ciaran ua Meic Thire & Baroness Ellynor Redpath.

The Barony of Carillion is located in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). It covers all of Ocean, Monmouth, Mercer, as well as parts of Burlington and Middlesex counties. We have two cantons: Forestgate (currently in abeyance) and The Keep by the Endless Sea. As a group we learn about life in the Middle Ages by getting involved in activities such as brewing, fighting, fencing, archery, calligraphy, music, dancing, cooking, and costuming among others.