Officers of the Barony

NOTE: the individual officer pages with contact links are currently not working.  Sorry about that!  The contact emails for the baronesses and chatelaine are on the home page; if you need to get in contact with anyone else, email the webminister and I will pass it on.

If you're interested in becoming an Officer, please contact the Seneschal using the form below.

    *(OC) Order of the Chivalry *(OD) Order of Defense *(OL) Order of the Laurel *(OP) Order of the Pelican
    *Dróttin: Norse title for Lord *Hanim: Turkish title for Mistress *Hersir: Norse title for Baron *Kennari: Norse title for Master

    Baroness of Carillion

    Her Excellency Tysha z Kieva (OP)

    Baronial Officer

    Baroness Tysha z Kieva is a representative of the crown selected by the reigning monarchs.

    Baroness of Carillion

    Baroness of Carillion

    Her Excellency Máirghréad Ghearr

    Baronial Officer

    Baroness Máirghréad Ghearr is a representative of the crown selected by the reigning monarchs.



    THL Evalina Von Schaidag

    Baronial Officer

    As Seneschal,, THL Evalina serves as “president” of our local group. She acts as an administrator and legal representative of the S.C.A.


    Alessandra Serena Renda of Gibellina


    Baroness Elizabeth Hawkwood

    Baronial Officer

    As Exchequer (Chancellor of the Exchequer), Baroness Elizabeth serves as treasurer for the Barony.


    Master Aaron the Arrowsmith


    Aidan na h-Innsi

    Baronial Officer

    A Herald helps participants come up with SCA names and armory, and makes announcements on the field and in the court of their Excellencies.


    Lord Ciaran Ua Meic Thire

    Baronial Officer

    The Chatelaine is an officer who helps new members learn about the SCA. A Chatelaine is often the first point of contact for local members who are new!


    Lady Sara Ide Almaron


    Nika of Carillion

    Baronial Officer

    The Webminister is in charge of developing, maintaining, and updating the local website.


    Ciaran mac Gaeth
    Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr


    Ciaran mac Gaeth

    Baronial Officer

    The Chronicler keeps records of meetings. The Chronicler is also the editor/publisher of the groups newsletter.

    Mistress of Arts and Sciences

    Lady Sara Ide Almaron

    Baronial Officer

    As Mistress of Arts and Sciences, Lady Sara keeps track and reports on arts and science activites within the local group.


    Lord Galen Goldthread

    Mistress of the Lists

    THL Brigit inghean ui Dhomhnaill

    Baronial Officer

    As Mistress of the Lists, THL Brigit helps maintain accurate records of fighting activities in the Barony. The MOL also works with the Earl Marshal and Kingdom Marshal to maintain a list of authorized fighters.

    Knight Marshal

    THL Quintus Lucius Fortunatus

    Baronial Officer

    The Knight Marshal for the Barony is THL Quintis. He is specially trained to oversee martial activities for safety purposes.

    Captain of Archers

    Baroness Elizabeth Hawkwood

    Baronial Officer

    As Captain of Archers, Baroness Elizabeth is a Marshal specially trained to oversee the archery range safely.

    Thrown Weapons Marshal

    Gilbert Le Merchand

    Baronial Officer

    As the Barony’s Thrown Weapons Marshal, Gilbert is specially trained to run the thrown weapons range safely.

    Fencing Marshal

    Lady Ellynor Redpath

    Baronial Officer

    As Fencing Marshal, Lady Ellynor is specially trained to run the fencing field safely.


    Chancellor Minor

    Lady Mairghread Knox

    Baronial Officer

    As Chancellor Minor, Lady Mairghread is in charge of children’s activities in the barony!

    Canton Seneschal: Keep by the Endless Sea

    Kennari Hrafn Breiðskeggr (OP)

    Baronial Officer

    As Seneschal, Kennari Hrafn Breiðskeggr serves as “president” of the Keep by the Endless Sea. He acts as an administrator and legal representative of the S.C.A.

    This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

    This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

    Copyright Barony of Carillion of the SCA. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

    For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister at

    They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

    All external links are not part of the  web site. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA, Inc. is not responsible for content outside of