Minutes of June 12, 2024 Commons Meeting 

Attendees: Elizabeth, Aaron, Richard, Alessandra, Tysha, Brigit, Ciaran, Ellynor, Evalina, Hrafn Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.


Baroness – Tysha 

Might attend Novice Day event. Work on the new sheet wall for Pennsic Royal Camp has begun. Five  entries in the A&S Competition at Southern Region War Camp, Jeremy was named the winner..

Exchequer – Elizabeth 

All expenses for Southern Region War Camp have been paid. Still working on the event report but our  profit will be below the threshold for profit sharing with kingdom.

Captain of Archers – Elizabeth.

Practice by appointment is on-going. Lower than usual attendance at Southern Region War Camp.

Mistress of A&S Sara 

No report.

Chatelaine – Ciaran 

Three new people participated in tea with Baronesses at Southern Region War Camp. The newcomer’s  tour happened.

Chancellor Minor – Mairghread 

No report

Chronicler – Kieran 

Spring issue of the Clochette has been posted to the baronial website. Articles and artwork submissions are welcome.

Herald – Aidan 

Assisted one person with name and heraldry submission.

Knight Marshall – Quintus 

No report

Mistress of the Lists – Brigit 

Fifty-six fighters attended Southern Region War Camp. Authorization card issues have been resolved.

Fencing Marshall – Ellynor 

Twenty-eight fencers attended Southern Region War Camp. Worked on melee scenarios. Fourteen  fencers attended the Southern Army Practice on June 9, 2024.

Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert 

No report.

Social Media – Kieran 

Set up a TikTok account for the barony.

Seneschal – Evalina 

Emailed the Region and Kingdom seneschal about the status of the Keep. It has been dormant too  long, no point in reviving it. It no longer exists.

Webminister – Nika 

Submitted electronic report.


Southern Region War Camp – Hrafn 

Event was a success. There was an injury on the equestrian field. Equestrian officers are handling,  barony is not involved.

Pennsic – Tysha.

Two days left to pre-reg. Still waiting for the dining fly to be delivered. Bhakail found space in their  camp for their members, they will not be camping with us after all.


No update.

Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins 

Preliminary bid submitted by Allesandra. Feast fee has yet to be determined. Seats for feast will be  limited to 39. A vote was taken and the bid was accepted. Will be re-submitted when feast fee is  finalized.

Bellringers – 2025 

There has been a policy change in the rental of Quail Hill. Any group renting the site must pay for the  entire site. Aaron is waiting to hear from Adam how this will affect our use of the site for Bellringers  going forward


Demos, Recruiting, Retention 

Elks Lodge in Neptune, NJ would like us to do a demo for them as part of their fundraising efforts for  the charities they support. Would like all activities. Vote was taken and we will do the demo. Some of the officers will walk the site to determine what activities can be presented and see the size and lay out  of the area available.


Baronial Polling Process 

No word from Regional or Kingdom Seneschal on the proces. Bhakail is going to be the test case for  using an electronic polling.

Letters of Intent are due by July 10, 2024. Meet and greets will be scheduled later in the year.


July Commons will be held July 10, 2024 at the Howell Library location.

A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

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This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

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