Minutes of April 10, 2024 Commons Meeting
Attendees: Aaron, Brigit, Elizabeth, Joseph, Evalina, Tysha, Alessandra, Ciaran, Ellynor, Ciaran mac Gaeth, Hrafn
Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Baroness – Tysha
Will be attending Tournament of the Daffodils, Aethelmearc War Practice and Southern Region War Camp. Might attend Aethelmearc Coronation.
Need to start thinking about the polling.
Exchequer – Elizabeth
We have money in our bank account. Site fees for Southern Army Sunday practices (6 dates), Southern Region War Camp and Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins have been paid.
Captain of Archers – Elizabeth
Practice will reopen in April 15. Practice will be by appointment, any day of the week. Send an email to archery@carillion.eastkingdom.org to schedule.
Mistress of A&S – Sara
Nothing to report.
Chatelaine – Ciaran
Looking at local schools for outreach.
Chancellor Minor – Mairghread
No report
Chronicler – VACANT
Herald – Aidan
Nothing to report
Knight Marshall – Quintus
No report
Mistress of the Lists – Brigit
Will be attending Southern Army Sunday practice on April 15.
Fencing Marshall – Ellynor
Posted the link for Southern Army Sunday practice to social media pages.
Seneschal – Evalina
For first time attendees at Southern Region War Camp, would like to have someone willing to act as a guide around the site, visiting the various activities.
Accepting donations of gently used feast gear, cups and flatwear to loan to newcomers who have a need. Items should be clean, non-breakable. No glass.
Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert
Will be working on targets at Quail Hill on Sunday, April 15.
Webminister – Randver
No report. He submitted a letter of resignation, effective May 5, 2024.
Social Media – Randver
Submitted a letter of resignation effective immediately.
Southern Region War Camp – Hrafn
Tentative menu was received. The budget for dayboard will remain at $600.00. There will be a sale table of SCA related goods to benefit the barony. Need a volunteer to sit at the table. There will be youth combat.
Pennsic – Tysha
The countdown to Pennsic has begun. May have some residents of Bakhail camping with the barony.
Still early for any significant planning.
Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins
Alessandra is working on a bid with Aaron. Event will be second weekend in October.
Bellringers – 2025
Need a bid. Aaron will work with the camp to get specific dates for the next five years. OLD BUSINESS
Open Position – Chronicler
A letter of intent was received from Ciaran mac Gaeth. A vote was taken and Ciaran was named Chronicler. Needs to contact Kingdom Chronicler and get warranted.
Demos, Recruiting, Retention
Suggestion was made to have a card, similar to business card, with various practices with location, time and contact available at demos.
Kitchen Box – Tysha
Requested a budget of $200 be approved to buy small consumables for a kitchen box. Paper towels, sponges, dishsoap, trash bags, etc. Vote was taken and budget was approved.
Kitchen Clean Up Check List – Alessandra
Check list will be laminated and kept in the kitchen box. List will have event name and date, cooks name, SCA and mundane for dayboard and feast.
When check list is complete, send the list to Aaron. He needs to review with the camp to insure it’s compliant with camp requirements.
Clean up crew needs to be identified before the event.
Pennsic Sheet Wall
Tysha asked if the barony would be able to pay for the materials to create a new sheet wall for EK Royal Camp at Pennsic. Exchequer will contact Southern Region Deputy Exchequer to ask if this is an allowable expense.
Open Positions
Webminister must be warranted and familiar with policies of the Webministry and release forms. Experience with WordPress.
Social Media
Familiarity with various social media.
May Commons will be held May 8, 2024 at the Howell Library location.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.