Officers of the Barony
Interested in becoming an officer? Please email the Seneschal!

Baroness of Carillion: Her Excellency Tysha z Kieva
The baroness is a representative of the crown selected by the reigning monarchs to rule over our barony in their name.

Baroness of Carillion: Her Excellency Máirghréad Ghearr
The baroness is a representative of the crown selected by the reigning monarchs to rule over our barony in their name.

Seneschal: THL Evalina Von Schaidag
The Seneschal serves as “president” of our local group, and acts as an administrator and legal representative of the SCA.
Deputy: Alessandra Serena Renda of Gibellina

Exchequer: Baroness Elizabeth Hawkwood
The Exchequer (Chancellor of the Exchequer) serves as treasurer for the Barony.
Deputy: Master Aaron the Arrowsmith

Herald: Aidan na h-Innsi
A Herald helps members come up with SCA names and heraldry, and makes announcements in court and in the field.

Chatelaine: Lord Ciaran Ua Meic Thire
The Chatelaine helps new members learn about the SCA, and is often the first point of contact for interested people.
Deputy: Lady Sara Ide Almaron

Mistress of Arts and Sciences:
The Minister of Arts and Sciences (MoAS) keeps track and reports on art, craft and research activities in the barony.
Deputy: Lord Galen Goldthread

Mistress of the Lists: THL Brigit inghean ui Dhomhnaill
The Minister of the Lists (MoL) helps maintain records of fighting activities and authorized fighters in the Barony.

Knight Marshal: THL Quintus Lucius Fortunatus
The Knight Marshal for the Barony is specially trained to oversee martial activities for safety purposes.

Fencing Marshal: Baroness Ellynor Redpath
The Fencing Marshal is specially trained to run the fencing field safely.

Captain of Archers: Baroness Elizabeth Hawkwood
As Captain of Archers, Baroness Elizabeth is a Marshal specially trained to oversee the archery range safely.

Thrown Weapons Marshal: Gilbert Le Merchand
The Barony’s Thrown Weapons Marshal is specially trained to run the thrown weapons range safely.

Chancellor Minor: Lady Mairghread Knox
The Chancellor Minor is in charge of children’s activities in the barony.

Webminister: Nika of Carillion
The Webminister is in charge of developing, maintaining, and updating the barony website, email accounts, etc.
Deputy: Ciaran mac Gaeth

Chronicler: Ciaran mac Gaeth
The Chronicler keeps records of meetings. The Chronicler is also the editor/publisher of the groups newsletter.
Social Media Officer: Ciaran mac Gaeth
The Social Media Officer manages the barony’s social media presence and advertizes the organization to the public.
Quartermaster: Kennari Hrafn Breiðskeggr
The Quartermaster is responsible for maintaining the inventory in the storage trailer and its organization, as well as maintaining a complete list of all items removed or returned to storage by any individual. This position reports to the Exchequer.
*(OC) Order of the Chivalry *(OD) Order of Defense *(OL) Order of the Laurel *(OP) Order of the Pelican
*THL: The Honorable Lord/Lady *Dróttin: Norse title for Lord *Hanim: Turkish title for Mistress *Hersir: Norse title for Baron *Kennari: Norse title for Master