Barony of Carillion Events

Regular events:
  • At the monthly commons meeting the barony’s officers and interested populace meet to discuss the running of the barony, organizing events, etc.
  • The weekly heavy fight practice is open to anyone interested in learning and practicing armored rattan combat – contact the Knight Marshal for more information.
  • Southern Army Sundays are outdoor melee practices for heavy fighting, fencing, combat archery and siege.
Yearly events:
  • Bellringers is our Barony’s annual birthday event! Deep in the grips of winter we gather to warm ourselves with warm cider, feast upon delicious foods, play games, and arm wrestle!
  • Each year the Barony of Carillion steps forward to answer the call to war! Southern Region War Camp brings together the best of combat. Featuring: Heavy Melee Fighting, Heavy Tournaments, Rapier Tournaments, Thrown weapons, Archery, and more!
  • The Barony of Carillion holds annual demonstrations at the Lakewood Lions Club’s Lakewood Renaissance Faire. We gather each year to show off Fighting, Fencing, Archery, Thrown Weapons, A&S, and more!
  • Ghosts, Ghouls, and Goblins is the Barony’s Halloween themed Archery event! People from near and far are called to come fight against the creatures that haunt our woods! This event is known for it’s themed archery shoot, fantastic camping weather, and the Baronial Champions Tournaments!

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