October, November, December 2021 Clochette – A.S. LVI

Officer Records:

    • Their Excellencies: Baroness Tysha z Kieva (Patricia Saklas), Baroness Máirghréad Ghearr (Heather Rosen)
    • Seneschal: Hanim Islah bint Abbas (Tina LaSala)
    • Exchequer: Master Aaron the Arrowsmith (Paul Lamhut)
    • Herald: Lord Duncan MacMillan (Michael Mullen)
    • Chatelaine: THL Evalina Von Schaidag (Evalina Scheidegger Erbe)
    • Web Minister: Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr (Randy Plungis)
    • Chronicler: Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr (Randy Plungis)
    • Mistress of Arts and Sciences: Lady Sara Ide Almaron (Gail Covey)
    • Mistress of the Lists: THL Brigit inghean ui Dhomhnail (Pam Herbert)
    • Knight Marshal: THL Quintus Lucius Fortunatus (Chris Storti)
    • Captain of Archers: Baroness Elizabeth Hawkwood (Elizabeth Dobo)
    • Thrown Weapons Marshal: Gilbert Le Merchand (Bryan Payseur)
    • Fencing Marshal Lord Ciaran Au Meic Thire (Mike Bannon)
    • Chancellor Minor: Lady Mairghread Knox (Megan Jansen)
    • Canton Seneschal, Keep by the Endless Sea: Kennari Hrafn Breiðskeggr (Myq LaSala)

Meeting Minutes for these months can be found here.

Hello everyone! These past few months have been quite hectic, haven’t they? We’ve been quite the busy bunch! Here are some of the things that have happened.


Ghosts, Ghouls, Goblins, and the Great Old Ones

The Barony is safe once again! Archers assembled, fighters fought, things were thrown! We had plenty of decorations and festivities to go around. Lady Mairghread Knox made us fantastic decorations, and also kept the kids (and some adults) occupied! We had a successful archery shoot and were able to suppress the Great Old Ones (for at least another year)! Our Dayboard provided by Sir Harold was absolutely splendid, and the feast prepared by our own wonder woman THL Violet was scarily delicious!

Vivat to the new Champions! See those here.

We have new Heirs to the East!

Their Royal Highnesses Ryouko’Jin of the Iron Skies and IndraKshi Aani Aravinda.

Covid Regulations

Have been updated again: “Everyone is required to wear a mask and show proof of Covid vaccination or a negative Covid test from within 72hrs of the event.”

100 Minutes War

Quite a few of the Baronies own were recognized at 100 Minutes! Vivant to the well-deserved accolades! Congratulations to Evalina von Schaidag – Silver Crescent, Galen Goldthread – Silver Brooch, Klaus & Anastasia – Court Barony, and Hrafn Breiðskeggr – Pelican.

Bellringers is upon us!

Medieval Beasts and where to find them! They will be watching you! The Barony of Carillion has been invaded! Come and help us catch all the beasts before they ruin our Baronial Birthday Party.

Quail Hill Scout Camp
56 La Valley Dr.
Manalapan, NJ 07726
Google Map

Event Steward: Evalina von Schaidag
MKA Evalina Scheidegger
732-492-5657 (Please limit calls to the hours of 6pm to 9pm)

Thanks for tuning in everyone!
Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr, Chronicler, Webminister.

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