December Commons Business Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2021
Virtual Meeting via Zoom with 16 attendants
Officer Reports:
Seneschal: (Islah) Next month we’ll be voting on the annual officer budgets, please review your budgets to determine if you need to make any changes.
Exchequer: (Aaron) Current balance is $10,135.16 with $830 in checks outstanding.
Baronesses: (Tysha & Mairghread) Several of our populace received awards at 100 Minutes War, Congratulations to Evalina von Schaidag – Silver Crescent, Galen Goldthread – Silver Brooch, Klaus & Anastasia – Court Barony, and Hrafn Breiðskeggr – Pelican. Happy Holidays!!
Arts & Science: (Sara) Nothing new
Chancellor Minor: (Mairghread K) working on Children’s activities for Bellringers and future events.
Chatelaine: (Evalina) Not much going on.
Chronicler: (Randver) Things are being chronicled. I will be posting back copies of info on the website.
Herald: (Duncan) no report provided
Web Minister: (Randver) New website is up! Looking for new content to add to the resources section. If you have any suggestions or content, please email them to
Social Media: (Vacant) If you are interested in becoming the Baronial Social Media officer, please send a letter of intent with proof of membership to
Mistress of the List: (Brigit) no report was provided
Captain of Archers: (Elizabeth) Archery is on hiatus until April. IKAC: The season begins February 1st through December. Same as royal rounds.
Fencing Marshal: (Ciaran) Nothing to report. Looking for new gloves to complete the loaner gear.
Knight Marshal: (Quintus) via Email, “I am unaware of any incidents.”
Thrown Weapons Marshal: (Gilbert) via Email, “Nothing to report other than my email is up and running. Big thanks to Randy.”
Keep by the Endless Sea: (Hrafn) Nothing to report.
Event Wrap-up:
Upcoming Events:
Bellringers 1/22/22: (Evalina) Everything is on track. We have nifty site tokens! Need both a co-autocrat & covid card checker. Paypal is coming.
Southern Region War Camp 6/3/22-6/5/22: Bid needed.
Pennsic War 49: (Tysha & Conchobar) Waiting to see if it will happen this year.
Lakewood Renaissance Faire 9/16/22-9/18/22: (Mary) Waiting to see if it will happen this year.
Ghosts, Ghouls, & Goblins 2022: Bid needed.
New Event:
(Ciaran) Looking to create an Archery-focused event. His Royal Highness is looking to push archery and combat archery so it will be an RP. Planning for Quail Hill and working with Aaron to see what dates are available. Looking for teachers and classes.
Old Business:
New Business: