Minutes of December 13, 2023 Commons Meeting 

Attendees: Evalina, Elizabeth, Tysha, Aaron, Brigit, Ciaran, Ellynor, Alessandra Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood 

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. 


Seneschal – Evalina 

Attended Bakhail Yule. No reply from Kingdom about procedure to put the Keep into abeyance.  Alessandra is Deputy Seneschal. 

A bid is needed for Southern Region War Camp as soon as possible to reserve the date on the East  Kingdom Event Calendar. 

Baroness – Tysha 

Attended Bakhail Yule, K&C Rapier Championships. Will be attending EK 12th Nite and Buckland  Cross Baronial Investiture, Birka and Bellringers.  

Southern Region War Camp 2025 will also be the Baronial Investiture. 

Exchequer – Elizabeth 

Balance at the end of November is $9,256.29. Two outstanding checks. Received donation of $60 from the October Southern Region Army Sunday practice. 

Captain of Archers – Elizabeth 

Practice is suspended until Spring. 

Mistress of A&S – Sara 

Nothing to report 

Mistress of the Lists – Brigit 

Database is up to date. 

Chatelaine – Ciaran  

No new contacts. Sent follow-up emails to people who expressed interest at Lakewood, no replies  received. 

Fencing Marshall – Ellynor 

Nothing to report 

Herald – Aidan 

No report 

Knight Marshall – Quintus  

No report

Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert 

Nothing to report. 

Chronicler – Hrafn 

No report 

Webminister – Randve

Still here. Web Ministry requested that all websites update settings in our caching plugin, so I did.  Everything seems to be running normal but will continue to monitor. Major version update to  wordpress + minor plugin updates to keep us secure. 

Social Media – Randver 

Posts scheduled for Bellringers, reach out for other social media things. 

Chancellor Minor – Mairghread 

Nothing to report. 



Social media posts have been scheduled, we have plans. Please reach out to Megan Jansen or Randver  with questions. Need to have the A&S challenge and the menu added to announcement. Elizabeth said  she is still waiting for Kingdom PayPal Deputy to send the link for paypal registration.  

Southern Region War Camp 

Time to put in the bid and get this on the EK calendar. Aaron said Hrafn is preparing a bid and he will  follow up with him.  


Sheetwall for EK Royal Encampment needs to be replaced. Tysha said plans are underway to create  new artwork to use for the new sheetwall. Land agent signup hasn’t opened up yet.  

Dining Fly for Baronial Camp  

Currently using the personal dining fly of Tysha. When she steps down at Southern Region War  Camp, 2025, the fly will no longer be available to the Barony. The one currently being used is from  Panther, it’s 14′ by 14′ with a center pole. Panther is going out of business and will stop taking orders  on February 1, 2024. A new fly with the same dimensions from Panther will cost approximately $700,  Tysha will Check Panther’s current pricing. She has a complete set of ropes, stakes and poles stored at  Pennsic, so we don’t need to buy set up package, just the canvas. A motion was made to have Tysha  proceed with getting pricing for a new fly. There was a vote, with six in favor of proceeding and two  abstentions. Motion carried. When Tysha has the information, there will be a zoom call to discuss and  vote.  


No activity yet. 

Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins 

No activity yet.


Quail Hill Scout Camp Policy 

There is a new site policy in effect which addresses smoking and vaping on site, among other things.  This is the scout camp policy and not baronial policy. All future event announcements must include  the applicable portions of the new camp policy.  


Facebook Page Security 

There has been an increase in spam posts on the baronial facebook page which is a public page. It was  decided that going forward all posts to the page will require approval by a group admin.  

Baronial By-Laws 

Need to create a formal set of by-laws. Seneschal has been reviewing by-laws of existing baronies to  use as a guide for creating ours.  

Officer Term Limits 

Term limits for officers were discussed. It was decided that officers will serve for a term of four (4)  years. After that time, there be a vote of confidence/no confidence This can be done in person or  virtually. 

Officer Budgets for 2024 

Baroness – $200 each 

Exchequer – $200 

Captain of Archers $200 

All other officers – $100 


Evalina proposed purchasing two 8 quart crockpots for use at events, cost not to exceed $150. A vote  was taken and approval was unanimous.  

Rather than keep the crockpots in the storage trailer, the person who is using it at the event, whether for dayboard or feast, would keep the crockpots in their possession until they turned it over to the person  who would use it at the next event. The crockpots will be kept in their original boxes, eliminating the  need to buy another storage tub. There will be a sign in/sign out sheet to keep track of who has it.  Elizabeth volunteered to maintain the sign in sheets. 

January Commons, 2024 

January Commons will be held on the 10th. Meeting location to be determined. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright Barony of Carillion of the SCA. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister at webminister@carillion.eastkingdom.org.

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