Officer’s Reports:
New Minister of the Lists election tonight. Duncan MacMillan, mka Michael Mullen. Welcome!
Possible helping for Iron Bog bid for 50 year ended. Different group won the bid.
Baron and Baroness:
Went to Birka and had fun. Will be going to Coronation in April.
Checking account balance as of January 31, 2017: $5865.01
Good turnout at Sewfest, four people showed up Tunics were worked on. Classes will be held at
Helped with some consultations this month.
Clochette will be out by Bellringers. From now on Commons Minutes will be posted monthly on the
Carillion website. Clochette will become a quarterly publication.
Attended Chatelaine’s meeting at Birka. Discussed recruitment and retention.
Minister of the Lists:
New MoL installed. Will work with Lu-Ann Hua from Swamp for Bellringers tournament.
Knights Marshal:
Practices happening, no-one died. Three new people have attended recent practices.
Fencing Marshal:
Practices happening, no-one died.
Archery Marshal:
Target bales still frozen. Will notify when practices resume.
Thrown Weapons Marshal:
Too cold to throw. Attended TW meeting at Birka.
Old Business:
Happening this weekend. Friday setup runs from 5:00pm to 11:00pm.
Autocrat looking to make day schedules firm ahead of time. Request received for a Bardic circle.
Is coming in169 days.Plans to hold camp meeting at Bellringers, let Ty know if you plan to attend on
zero night.
Third weekend in September.
Is happening. Scheduled dates October 14-15. Has a Co-Autocrat, need Troll and Dayboard covered.
New Business:
Evalina has large tables available for the taking from family estate sale.
Need to make event email accounts for Autocrats to comply with Kingdom law.
Need to get together to make kits for Queen’s favors.
Ty would like any old Queens favors you may have to make a quilt.
Mary given budget of $250.00 for materials to make Queen’s favor kits.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Attendees: 25

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