February Commons Business Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2021

 Virtual Meeting via Zoom with 17 attendants

 Officer Reports:

Seneschal: (Islah) nothing to report

Exchequer: (Aaron) Current balance is $8,753.80. All reports are in.

Baronesses: (Tysha & Mairghread) Baronial trim should be arriving today, he’ll be sending personal invoices. Officers send your address so we can mail your payment/gift. Holding off on court business until in-person events.

Arts & Science: (Sara) Virtual A&S display, 7 people are exhibiting so far. If you would like to add something please do, ends 2/12/2021! Looking for warm weather to do an outdoor crafty day.

Chancellor Minor: (Mairghread K) via Email, “there is nothing to report for activity, however, one of my raptors this past weekend made sock monsters. if there are any youth in the barony that would be interested in doing this activity please send me their address and I will mail supplies and instructions.”

Chatelaine: (Evalina) Spanky donated her garb to our gold key.

Chronicler: (Randver) Nothing new

Herald: (Duncan) Nothing to report

Web Minister: (Randver) Nothing new

Social Media: (Vacant) If you are interested in becoming the Baronial Social Media officer, please send a letter of intent with proof of membership to seneschal@carillon.eastkingdom.org

Mistress of the List: (Brigit) All auths valid until 6/7/2021.

Captain of Archers: (Elizabeth) Cancelling Interkingdom Archery Competition for 2021

Fencing Marshal: (Ciaran) Tunics just need some trim, all 5 are done.

Knight Marshal: (Ioannes) no report provided (Hrafn) David donated his old kit to loaner gear.

Thrown Weapons Marshal: (Ichabod) No one dead.

Keep by the Endless Sea: (Hrafn) Nothing to report


Event Wrap-up:



Upcoming Events:

Bellringers 2021: Slide show needs photos, email to Aaron. JPEG preferred format.

Southern Region War Camp 2021: Working on the staff list

Pennsic War 49: (Tysha & Conchobar) Planning as if it’s happening.

Lakewood Renaissance Faire 2021: to be determined

Ghosts, Ghouls, & Goblins 2021: to be determined


New Event:



Old Business:



New Business:

(Tysha) Trim received from Renalt and will be sorted.


This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright Barony of Carillion of the SCA. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister at webminister@carillion.eastkingdom.org.

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