Minutes of February 14, 2024 Commons Meeting
Attendees: Evalina, Elizabeth, Aaron, Tysha, Alessandra, Mairghread, Hrafn, Ciaran, Ellynor Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
Seneschal – Evalina
Still waiting for information from Kingdom about our request to put the Keep into abeyance.
In anticipation of the upcoming baronial polling, will be checking all the zip codes to avoid any potential issues.
Call for letters of intent will be done during the summer, the polling will take place in the fall. Actual dates to be determined.
Received email from EK Chronicler, Barony is not in compliance with the requirement of having a published newsletter.
Baroness – Tysha
Will be attending Bellringers and Mudthaw. Still undecided about Coronation. Will host March 2 crafty day.
Exchequer – Elizabeth
End of Year report has been filed. All pre-reg checks for Bellringers have been deposited.
Effective January 1, 2024 the new profit sharing scale is in effect for all RPs. Local branch that has a net profit below $2000 will keep 100% of the profits. A branch that has a net profit between $2000 to $3000 will keep 90% of the profits. Inch in excess of a net profit of $3000 will keep 80% of the profits.
Beginning July, 2024 all Baronial Investitures are considered Kingdom events and the net profits will be shared in a 50% – 50% split.
Captain of Archers – Elizabeth
Practice is suspended until Spring.
Mistress of A&S – Sara
Crafty day will be held on March 2 at Ty’s house.
Mistress of the Lists – Brigit
I will be at Bellringers this weekend to run the arm wrestling tournament.
I will be head MOL for SRWC.
I should be at Beast of the East helping where needed.
The latest Rapier database was released on January 25th.
Chatelaine – Ciaran
Nothing to report
Fencing Marshall – Ellynor
Fencing at Birka. MIC for Southern Region War Camp
Armor requirements have been updated.
Herald – Aidan
Nothing to report
Knight Marshall – Quintus
No report
Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert
It’s cold. Will look at our target situation this Saturday at Bellringers to determine what is needed to get ready for the season.
No longer have facebook. So if anyone needs me my email works for contact or text my phone at 732-610-4180.
Chronicler – Hrafn
Working on a newsletter to be compliant with Kingdom policy.
Webminister – Randver
No report
Social Media – Randver
No report
Chancellor Minor – Mairghread
Planned activity is make and take noisemakers at Bellringers.
Barony will provide paper plates and plastic forks for the event. Suggested we do this for all events that will have dayboard.
Southern Region War Camp – Hrafn
Event announcement updated to reflect the increased non-member registration fee.
Staffing for activities has been completed. For the first time there will be dancing and live music, courtesy of the Bhakaili Branslers.
A cook has been selected for dayboard. The person requested a $1,000 budget. It was decided that the event steward will work with the cook to reduce the budget.
A request was made to have a designated quiet area available. It can be done, location to be determined.
Camp is registered.
Tysha is in charge of camp. Contact her with details of your tent. Anticipating a smaller camp than last year. The dining fly has been purchased. Delivery is expected to be sometime in April.
Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins
Looking for a bid. Equestrians want to attend. We will add the event to our request for equestrian insurance for Southern Region War Camp. One time fee of $200 will cover both events. Placeholder should be put on the EK Calendar.
Southern Region Army Sundays – Hrafn
Monthly practice will be on the second Sunday of the month. Aaron will work with the camp to schedule the dates.
The organizer of Lakewood has changed the dates. The faire will now be held the first weekend of October. This weekend is.booked for the next five years. There are no changes in our set up from previous years.
Membership Fee Increases
Effective April 1, 2024 the non-member registration (NMR) fee for event memberships will be increased from $5 to $10.
Effective February 15, Sustaining membership price increases from $45 a year to $55 a year The Associate membership price increases from $30 to $40 a year.
Family membership price increases from $10 a year to $15 a year, per person. No changes to Canadian or International memberships have been announced at this time. Zip Code
There is a zip code at the far edge of Burlington County assigned to the barony. Evalina is working with the Seneschal of Iron Bog to resolve which Barony claims it.
Commons will be held on March 13 at the Howell Library location.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM.