– We have Letters of intent in for Arts and Sciences, Exchequer, and Chronicler!
– Curia Is going to be at Birka at the end of this month.

Baron and Baroness
– We will be attending Birka and they will try to atend Curia depending on their schedules.
– The Baronial Birthday is coming up and they are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
– They attended the Buckland Cross investiture and are happy to welcome a new barony into
the East Kingdom!

– We have money!
– There is a letter of intent in for the position from Lady Raphaela. The Vote Passed and Lady Raphaela is now the Baronial Exchequer.

– Heraldry things have happened! Possibly going to a demo to give Ideas about what heraldry is
and teaching how to make historically accurate heraldry.
Unfortunately, he can not make bellringers as he will be out of the country, there is a fill-in for

Arts and Sciences
– There will be AnS at bellringers including a challenge.
– There is a baronial AnS day at Ty’s house on 1/19/2019 around 12pm. Anyone who comes earlier
will be set to cleaning!
– A letter of intent from Gail Covey was submitted to be our new AnS Officer. The Vote psased
and Gail is now our new Baronial Officer

– All new officers please send me an email or get with me in person so that we can get your member/officer email set up and ready to go.
– Chronicler says “she quits!”
– A ltter of intent was recieved from Randver Kveld-Ulfr and was passed. Randver is now the
Chronicler for the Barony

– There was a request for a demo at the YMCA in Millstone NJ. It is on a Wednesday (June 26th).
We will be asking for more information and possibly a later time in the day since it is a day

– We have lists, they’ve been ministered. If anyone is interested in the position of MOL please
let her know.

Knights Marshal
– Nobody died and pracitce has happened.

– Nobody died and it’s too cold to practice

Thrown Weapon
– Nothing has happened and it’s been too cold to practice.

Old Buisiness
– GGG waiting on reciepts
-Bellringers we have had 1 merchant, we have a few pre reg’s. We are trying to see where the
renovation stands. We are unsure about what classes are being held. Bring games and
amusement. There will be court. There will be arm wrestling, wear black and yellow. And it will
be there last bellringers!

Southern Region War Camp – Things are coming together, things are looking good.
Pennsic – Pennsic is coming! As far as we know it’s still there! Basket man is still renting tents if
anyone is interested.
Lakewood – Mary has the weekend of this year! Lakewood might be happening, depending on
the lions.
No new buisiness!

This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

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