January Commons Business Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2021
Virtual Meeting via Zoom with 14 attendants
Officer Reports:
Seneschal: (Islah) Officer budget totaling $2,300 approved.
Exchequer: (Aaron) Current balance is $8,753.80. Outstanding checks and waiting to hear from corporate. 4th Quarter submitted. Use budgets sparingly.
Baronesses: (Tysha & Mairghread) Congrats to Lady Ellynor on receiving the Silver Wheel. Officers, please send us your addresses. Waiting on suggestions on virtual court.
Arts & Science: (Sara) no report provided
Chancellor Minor: (Mairghread K) no report provided
Chatelaine: (Evalina) Nothing to report.
Chronicler: (Randver) Nothing to report
Herald: (Duncan) Nothing to report
Web Minister: (Randver) Nothing to report
Social Media: (Vacant) If you are interested in becoming the Baronial Social Media officer, please send a letter of intent with proof of membership to seneschal@carillon.eastkingdom.org
Mistress of the List: (Brigit) Nothing to report
Captain of Archers: (Elizabeth) Governer’s restriction for indoor archery has expired.
Fencing Marshal: (Ciaran) Tunics are being assembled. No practices as of yet.
Knight Marshal: (Ioannes) no report provided (Hrafn) No practices until ban is lifted.
Thrown Weapons Marshal: (Ichabod) Nothing to report
Keep by the Endless Sea: (Hrafn) Nothing to report
Event Wrap-up:
Upcoming Events:
Bellringers 2021: Slide show?
Southern Region War Camp 2021: If bans are lifted its the weekend of June 4-6th
Pennsic War 49: (Tysha & Conchobar) Pre-registrations rolled over from last year
Lakewood Renaissance Faire 2021: to be determined
Ghosts, Ghouls, & Goblins 2021: to be determined
New Event:
Old Business:
New Business:
(Evalina) My son, David, has his old armor to donate to the barony.