Minutes of January 10, 2024 Commons Meeting 

Attendees: Evalina, Elizabeth, Tysha, Aaron, Sara, Alessandra, Mairghread, Oavatog, Hrafn, Ciaran,  Ellynor 

Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood 

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. 


Seneschal – Evalina 

Kingdom responded to the abeyance request and asked if we wanted to dissolve the Keep or put it into  abeyance. Decision was made to request and abeyance. Will revisit the situation in two years. As per  Kingdom law, after two years, if Keep is not active, it must be dissolved. 

Baroness – Tysha 

Will be attending Birka and EK 12th Night 

Exchequer – Elizabeth 

End of year balance was $9,259.23.  

Captain of Archers – Elizabeth 

Practice is suspended until Spring. 

Mistress of A&S – Sara 

Nothing to report. Possible craft day to be held first weekend in March. 

Mistress of the Lists – Brigit 

The MOL for Birka is looking for help for the tournament.  

Chatelaine – Ciaran  

Nothing to report 

Fencing Marshall – Ellynor 

There will be regional practices this year.  

Herald – Aidan 

No report 

Knight Marshall – Quintus  

Looking for new location for practice. 

Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert 

No report 

Chronicler – Hrafn 

Will contact the Webminister to insure the Commons Minutes are uploaded to the website.

Webminister – Randve

No report 

Social Media – Randver 

No report 

Chancellor Minor – Mairghread 

Working on activities for Bellringers. 



Paypal link is live. Eleven people have pre-registered. 

Southern Region War Camp 

Hrafn submitted a bid. Vote was taken and the bid was provisionally approved. Site fee, equestrian  insurance and dayboard fees need to be corrected/added. Preliminary event announcement has been  uploaded to the EK Calendar. Needs to be updated with new site policy, cabin fee needs to added.  Cabin fee is $5 per person. 


Tysha contacted Panther Pavilions and got a quote for a 14 x 14 dining fly. Total cost will be $545.00.  Vote was taken and purchase was approved. 


No activity yet. 

Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins 

Looking for a bid. 


Crock Pots 

Alessandra has a large crockpot she is willing to donate to the Barony. This will eliminate the need to  purchase one. 

Facebook Page Security 

The Seneschal changed the settings on the page to require approval for posting. No new spam posts  have appeared.  

Baronial By-Laws 

When writing the by-laws, there are aspects of Kingdom law that we must include. Prime example is  officers having deputies.  

Officer Budgets 

Motion was made to have the same amounts as in 2023. Vote was taken and the motion was passed.


Nothing new on the agenda. 

February Commons 

The next Commons meeting will be on February 14. Location will be the Monmouth County Library,  Howell location.  

A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:55PM.

This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

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