Commons Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2017 – Manalapan Library
Start time: 7:30pm – ATTENDING: 18
Officer’s Reports:
Forrestgate had been put in abeyance for the time being.
Baron and Baroness:
Wear Black and Yellow to opening ceremonies. Court will be Thursday of war
week. There is a Canal Day demo in the Swamp the week after Pennsic, so let’s go
help them with that. They are bidding on Coronation and are asking for help for
that as well.
The statement hasn’t arrived yet and there was no chance to go to the bank to
check the balance. We have money.
Sew-fest on July 13th 7 -9 PM at Quail Hill. Pennsic “gifts” to be made. There
will be a table at Lakewood so please put stuff out.
Nothing new
Newsletter will be published when I get the minutes.
I did not break the internet, but I did break the screen on the Baronial laptop. (Still
works, just have to plug it in to a monitor. Fortunately it is old enough to have no
value) Am stepping down as things are getting closer to home, & the next thing
that gets broken may be me. Send your letters of intent to the Seneschale before
the next Commons meeting in September.
It’s been quiet. Have been given gold key donations.
Minister of the Lists:
Had one new auth at SR practice. Last day to auth for Pennsic is July 27th.
Knights Marshal:
No one died.
Fencing Marshal:
Nobody died.
Archery Marshal:
No one died.
Thrown Weapons Marshal:
Weapons are being thrown. No one has died.
Old Business:
Lots of good ideas for next year. Will improve maps and signs. $2423.50 in profit.
Books now closed
Melee practice:
Went very well. Boy Scouts very happy. Site cost was covered & we made a
small profit.
Is imminent. Check the Pennsic camp e-mail list for details. There will be a
Viking memorial ship. Still trying to sell the old shower. Any questions, contact
As always, 3rd weekend in September.
Staff is in place. There will be an A&S challenge.
Working on the budget
New Business:
Duncan, our current MoL, is now the deputy Seneschal.
Miscellaneous Business:
Our former Baron, Ramos da Vida, has passed away. Aaron attended the funeral
and it was a celebration of his life. He is working on an article for the E.K.
Shelves have been acquired for the storage shed. Will post a work party date after
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm

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