July Commons Business Meeting Minutes

July 14, 2021

 Virtual Meeting via Zoom with 15 attendants

Officer Reports:

Seneschal: (Islah) No August Meeting!

Exchequer: (Aaron) Current balance is $9,411.95. Balanced for 2nd Quarter. Final profit from SRWC 2021 is $131.15.

Baronesses: (Tysha & Mairghread) Crown is next week. We’re looking for Largess to give as gifts. We’re looking for Black & Gold cording in 12” to 18” lengths.

Arts & Science: (Sara) Nothing new. Looking to do a crafty day before the end of summer.

Chancellor Minor: (Mairghread K) Nothing new

Chatelaine: (Evalina) Nothing to report.

Chronicler: (Randver) no report provided

Herald: (Duncan) no report provided

Web Minister: (Randver) no report provided

Social Media: (Vacant) If you are interested in becoming the Baronial Social Media officer, please send a letter of intent with proof of membership to seneschal@carillon.eastkingdom.org

Mistress of the List: (Brigit) MOL forms submitted. There is a form online to enter your own information for auths. 

Captain of Archers: (Elizabeth) As of today, no updates on archery guidelines.

Fencing Marshal: (Ciaran) 11 fencers attended the Bi-monthly practice. Ellynor is now a marshal.

Knight Marshal: (Ioannes) no report provided (Hrafn) Southern Army Sunday practice was this past weekend. We had a great turnout. Looking to extend into Sept & Oct. Quintus passed his marshal so he’ll be able to step up soon.

Thrown Weapons Marshal: (Ichabod) Nothing to report.

Keep by the Endless Sea: (Hrafn) Sent out the request for zip codes.

Event Wrap-up:


Upcoming Events:

Bellringers 2022: Bid needed.

Southern Region War Camp 6/3/22-6/5/22: Bid needed.

Pennsic War 49: (Tysha & Conchobar) Waiting to see if it will happen this year.

Lakewood Renaissance Faire 9/17/21-9/19/21: (Mary) Elizabeth is unable to attend, so we need an Archery Marshal. Ciaran volunteered. We need to talk to Doreen from the Lions about their posts.

Ghosts, Ghouls, Goblins, & the Great Old Ones 10/8/21-10/11/21: (Randver) no report was provided

New Event:


Old Business:


New Business:


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