Minutes of March 13, 2024 Commons Meeting
Attendees: Hrafn, Tysha, Evalina, Elizabeth, Ellynor, Ciaran, Alesandra, Jeromina, Gilbert Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
Baroness – Tysha
Will be attending Nova Schola, Mudthaw, Tournament of the Daffodils, Aethelmearc War Practice, Southern Region War Camp.
Call for letters of intent for the baronial seat will be this summer. There will be meet and greets scheduled with candidates prior to the polling. Probable due date for return of official polling will be January 1, 2025.
Seneschal – Evalina
Would like to start an outreach program to attract new members.
Exchequer – Elizabeth
Account is up to date. No outstanding checks. Bellringers made a profit of $109.03.
Captain of Archers – Elizabeth
Practice will reopen in April. Practice will be by appointment, any day of the week. Send an email to archery@carillion.eastkingdom.org to schedule.
Mistress of A&S – Sara
Crafty day was held on March 2. Two people attended.
Chatelaine – Ciaran
No new contacts. Lacey Township is having Pride Day on June 2. Potential opportunity to participate.
Chancellor Minor – Mairghread
No report
Chronicler – Hrafn
A newsletter was sent to webminister for publication to website. That hasn’t happened yet. Have not yet field the required yearly report.
Herald – Aidan
No report
Knight Marshall – Quintus
No report
Mistress of the Lists – Brigit
The EK MoL forwarded requests for additional help at these events:
Tournament of Daffodils, Balfar’s Challenge, and Beast of the East.
We seem to have a shortage of trained MoLs. If anyone is interested in learning more about the position and being an MoL-at-large send me a message or see the kingdom Minister of the Lists website: https://mol.eastkingdom.org/
Fencing Marshall – Ellynor
Ongoing discussion with Kingdom about scenarios for fencing at Southern Region War Camp
Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert
Jeromina is working on becoming a thrown weapons marshall. After inspecting existing material, will need to purchase some 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 boards.
Webminister – Randver
No report
Social Media – Randver
No report
Bellringers – Evalina
Event made a profit. Well attended, running dayboard was well received. There was an issue with an attendee washing feastgear in the sink. Need to put up signs for subsequent events.
Southern Region War Camp – Hrafn
Spoke to the person doing the dayboard and informed him the request to increase the food budget was denied. He still asked for an increase, but for a smaller amount. After discussion, that request was also denied. We will keep the budget as listed in the event bid.
There are plans to have a heavy weapons torchlight tournament on Saturday nite. Possible rapier tournament as well. Fencing Marshall will consult with Kingdom.
Pennsic – Tysha
Camp is registered. Please pre-reg. Working on camp layout.
Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins
Alessandra is working on a bid. Event will be second weekend in October.
Southern Region Army Sundays – Hrafn
Monthly practice will be on the second Sunday of the month, from April thru October. Waiting for dates to be confirmed. Southern Army Sunday at Lakewood did not have any participants.
Dates for Lakewood will change every year for the next five years. This year Lakewood is the first weekend in October.
Tysha would like to create a kitchen box of small items that would be needed in the kitchen. Example: Paper towels, plates, plastic utensils. Also garbage bags, sponge, zip loc bags. Will price items and present at the next meeting. Not to exceed $100.
Would also like to purchase inexpensive cups, bowls, plates to give to new people who don’t have feastgear. These would be newcomer gifts. Will price items and present at the next meeting.
Alessandra is working on a kitchen cleanup check list to insure that the kitchen is completely clean before the last person leaves the site.
Heralds staff is missing.
Tysha needs scroll blanks.
Commons will be held April 10, 2024 at the Howell Library location. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM.