May Commons Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2022
Virtual Meeting via Zoom with 13 attendants
Officer Reports:
Seneschal: (Islah) We’ll decide about whether to resume in-person meetings post Pennsic. We have 1 applicant for the office of Baronial Seneschal, so the vote will be held at the June Meeting.
Exchequer: (Aaron) Current balance is $9,765.68. Two checks to be written. We have a $155 credit from the BS Council being put towards Southern Army Sunday practices. Replacement file needed. Final Bellringers numbers are $120.88 profit.
Baronesses: (Tysha & Mairghread) We had lots of fun at Bellringers! Ty went to Tournament of the Daffodils, where Ciaran, Ellynor, & Ty all received their Apollo’s Arrow. We’re planning a Baroness Tea for SRWC. This coming Runnymede is hosting a Largess exchange and we are teamed with Stonemarch. We are looking for additional items.
Arts & Science: (Sara) via Facebook, we had bellringers. We had 3 people enter arts and sciences. I don’t have the name with me of the girl who won. We had a crafty day I had injured my back and could not attend. It was joint with the keep perhaps they can give you a report from that. Southern region war camp will be 2 weeks after my knee replacement surgery. If the doctor says I can drive I will try to be there. I have let the autocrat know, so Myq will have other coverage.
Chancellor Minor: (Mairghread K) via email, hey guys im working on a what wack a fighter tournament for war camp inflatable weapons along with some boffer weapons that the heavy fighters I’m thinking, will have points on body parts giving them a score highest score gets a prize i will also have a few of my usual play and run about. i Might have a surprise or two if I can get them done in time.
Chatelaine: (Evalina) Good times were had at Bellringers. Found a box of loaner garb to add to gold key.
Chronicler: (Randver) News clochette is up on the website. Working on getting meeting minutes.
Herald: (Duncan) No report provided
Web Minister: (Randver) Web updates done.
Social Media: (Vacant) If you are interested in becoming the Baronial Social Media officer, please send a letter of intent with proof of membership to
Mistress of the List: (Brigit) Did authorizations at SA Sunday. I’ll need help at SRWC.
Captain of Archers: (Elizabeth) Practices started last month and will continue through fall.
Fencing Marshal: (Ciaran) We’ve had 12 at the last fencing/heavy crossover Southern Army Sunday.
Knight Marshal: (Quintus) SA Sunday practice numbers are improving. Loaner gear available for both.
Thrown Weapons Marshal: (Gilbert) via email, So I submitted our twice-yearly thrown weapons report. All is well with that. Also, I am currently looking for anyone that wants to become a thrown marshall-in-training so we can continue to grow in a safe manner.
As well I registered for pennsic and will be attending all of our meetings on the kingdom level during pennsic.
Keep by the Endless Sea: (Hrafn) We’re planning to hold a meeting at SRWC. I am looking for a replacement, email
Event Wrap-up:
Bellringers 4/16/2022: (Evalina) Thank you!! We made $120.88 profit. (Mairghread K) Question the bellringers dayboard check i submitted a email for tom to Aaron was wondering when that may be coming?
Upcoming Events:
Southern Region War Camp 6/3/22-6/5/22: (Hrafn) We’re going ahead. We need donations for the Geeky Yard Sale. Their Excellencies will be hosting a Tea with the Baronesses. There will be heavy fighting, melee, fencing, thrown, and archery, but no equestrian.
Pennsic War 49: (Tysha) Its happening!
Lakewood Renaissance Faire 9/16/22-9/18/22: (Mary) Working on a tournament with Quintus and Duncan.
Ghosts, Ghouls, & Goblins: Bid needed
Bellringers 2023: Bid needed.
New Event:
Old Business:
New Business:
(Ciaran) We’re going to do a inventory of the Archery equipment in the Storage Unit on May 24th at 4pm.