Minutes of May 8, 2024 Commons Meeting
Attendees: Hrafn, Alessandra, Tysha, Dara, Aidan, Elizabeth, Aaron, Brigit, Nicole, Ciaran, Nika, Sara
Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.
Baroness – Tysha
Attended Tournament of the Daffodils, took third place in A&S Competition, will attend Aethelmearc War Practice and Southern Region War Camp. Will present gifts for their majesties at Southern Region War Camp.
Exchequer – Elizabeth
We have money in our bank account. Southern Army Sunday donations totaled $199. Funds have ben deposited into our account. There are no outstanding checks. The First Quarter report has been completed and submitted.
Captain of Archers – Elizabeth.
Practice by appointment is ongoing.
Mistress of A&S – Sara
Nothing to report.
Chatelaine – Ciaran
One person emailed for information. Tea with Baronesses at Southern Region War Camp is tentatively scheduled for noon.
Chancellor Minor – Mairghread
No report
Chronicler – Vacant
Herald – Aidan
Nothing to report.
Knight Marshall – Quintus
No report
Mistress of the Lists – Brigit
One person authorized at Southern Army Sunday practice. Will be the MOL at Southern Region War Camp.
Fencing Marshall – Ellynor
Fencing will happen at Southern Army Sunday practices if it’s not raining,
Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert
Inspected the targets, three are in good condition, three are in excellent shape. Will need to buy extra hardware. Will be at Southern Region War Camp.
Seneschal – Evalina
Tysha and I created a newsletter as required by the Kingdom Chronicler Policies.
Webminister – Vacant
Social Media – Vacant
Southern Region War Camp – Hrafn
Received list of ingredients for dayboard, announcement updated. Ordered site tokens. Plans underway for torchlight tournament.
Pennsic – Tysha
Bought material for new sheetwall for Pennsic. Delivery of new dining fly has been delayed, but it will arrive before Pennsic.
Still early for any news.
Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins
Waiting for bid to be submitted. Event steward is creating the bid with Aaron’s help.
Bellringers – 2025
Need a bid. Date is third weekend in January.
One application was received. Vote was taken and Nika was approved for a two year term Chronicler will serve as deputy.
Social Media Officer
One application was received. Vote was taken and Kieran was approved as Social Media Officer.
Demos, Recruiting, Retention
Possible demo opportunity at an Elks Lodge. Sometime in September.
Tysha and Aaron went thru the items in storage at his brother’s shop in Freehold. Found some helmet torses, maybe can be reworked into banners. Found some old fabric walls and tabards. Assets need to be moved to another location.
June Commons will be held June 12, 2024 at the Howell Library location.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.