Minutes of November 8, 2023 Commons Meeting 

Attendees: Evalina, Elizabeth, Tysha, Sara, Brigit 

Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood 

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. 

Officer Reports 

Seneschal – Evalina 

Quarterly report has been submitted. Report included the recommendation that the Canton of Keep by  the Endless Sea go into abeyance. Waiting for response from Kingdom. 

A bid is needed for Southern Region War Camp. 

Baroness – Tysha 

Planning a cookie swap at the December Commons meeting. It is suggested that participating  individuals package three cookies in individual baggies. Total number of baggies is up to each person.  Please be mindful of people with food allergies and do not include nuts in your cookies.  

Working on a Holiday Crafty Day. Possible date December 10 from 1:00 to 5:00 at her house. Will be stepping down at Southern Region War Camp, 2025. Need to start work on the polling. 

Exchequer – Elizabeth 

Balance at the end of October is $9,256.29. There is one outstanding check for the site fee for  Bellringers, 2024. Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins event showed a profit of $186.75. 

Captain of Archers – Elizabeth 

Weekly Sunday practices have ended. Practice by appointment will continue until the end of  November. Practices will resume in the Spring. 

Mistress of A&S – Sara 

Nothing to report 

Mistress of the Lists – Brigit 

There is a new database for heavy weapons fighters. 

Chatelaine – Ciaran  

Nothing to report 

Fencing Marshall – Ellynor 

Nothing to report 

Herald – Aidan 

Quarterly report submitted. Nothing else to report

Knight Marshall – Quintus  

No report 

Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert No report 

Chronicler – Hrafn 

No report 

Webminister – Randve

Nothing to report 

Social Media – Randver 

Nothing to report 

Chancellor Minor – Mairghread Working on youth activities for Bellringers 

Old Business 

Bellringers – No update 

New Business 

Lakewood – No update 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

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