Officer Reports:
Seneschal: Glad to be feeling better.
Baron and Baroness: They Will be ending their final term at Bellringers in 2019. Baronial polling procedures will
be started over the course of the next year.
Exchequer: Will be resigning in November. The current checking account balance is $10,411.11. A couple of
receipts need to be turned in, and one outstanding check is still out.
Herald: At Lakewood Ren-Faire Randvir received Silver Wheel, at Coronation Critter got a King’s Cypher
and Heather got a Queen’s Cypher. Need help with field heralding at GGG.
A&S: Good turnout at Lakewood, had 4 people doing demos at the tent. GGG will have Autocrat’s
challenge and Baronial Champion’s competition. Demo stations needed for the Food drive demo at St.
Andrew’s Church. Banner/flag-making class at Ty’s on October 25th from 3pm-9pm.
Chronicler: Clochette will now be published quarterly.
Webminister: Nothing new to report yet.
Chatelaine: Talked to lots of people at Lakewood Renfaire.
MoL: May not make GGG, will make arrangements for coverage.
Knights Marshal: Practice ongoing, no-one died. Will be stepping down from position, need replacement
Fencing: Still ongoing, no-one died.
Archery: Practices ongoing , will continue as weather permits.
Thrown Weapons: Practices suspended for the season.
Old Business:
Lakewood Ren-faire: Nobody died, money was made, no naked people. Went to debriefing meeting with
the Lion’s Club. They have a few ideas they were bandying around. Will update if any of them get past
talking stage.
GGG: Happening this weekend.
Church Demo: October 21st at St.Andrew’s in Toms River. Bring a tent and set up a demo. It’s also a
food drive so bring canned goods for the Ocean County Shelter and the church’s pantry.
New Business: Bellringers: Budget approved, plans ongoing. SRWC: Plans being worked on.
Miscellaneous: Festivus at Ty’s on December 2nd

This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

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