Friday October 10th Meeting Minutes
Baron and Baroness – Gave scrolls that were backlogged at Lakewood. The baron and
baroness attended coronation and received awards on behalf of the populous – Mistress Tysha
z Kieva got an award from the outgoing King and Queen. Baroness Luned Gwyn also got an
award from the outgoing King and Queen.
Exchequer- Gave balance of account. Current Exchequer is stepping down.
Herald. Heralding Happened!
Chatelaine – Lakewood generated some interest and we have some new people who have
contacted us. Gold key will be available at GGG for any people who wish to attend and don’t
have garb.
A&S – Lakewood went well. There will be an Autocrats challenge and a Baronial challenge at
GGG, there will also be two classes at GGG.
Webminister – I am missing/have not received commons minutes from March onward, this
needs to be remedied , will contact chronicler. I have done some minor updates to the website.
Knights Marshall – Nobody died and practices are happening.
Thrown weapons – Nobody died. The thrown weapons martial won’t be available on Sunday of
GGG so he asks that people keep an eye out for things that might need to be cleaned up.
Archery -Still hosting practices, No one died , new people showed up so that’s exciting.
Keep by the endless sea – They do have officers, they were voted on at Lakewood, and there
first meeting is Friday 10/12 after setup at GGG.
Old business – Lakewood Happened
GGG – Setup has begin, Need help Friday with setup and breakdown Sunday, there is plenty of
cabin space for anyone wanting to camp.
Bellringers – Need to get on kingdom web event
War camp – Event listing is up on the kingdom event calendar. Anyone under the age of 18
(minors) are free. Need help with camping super visor and we need Royal liaison.
New business, Evelina has a new site that we should scope out and potentially use for larger
events/RP’s. There are plenty of classrooms, a full kitchen, a full gym for potential indoor
combat, and a potential area outdoors for archery/thrown weapons.
Evelina and Aaron might put in a bid for twelfth night.

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