Minutes of September 11, 2024 Virtual Commons Meeting 

Attendees: Tysha, Evalina, Elizabeth, Joe, Aaron, Allesandra, Robert, Richard, Myq, Ciaran, Kieran,  Ellynor, Brigit, Mairghread, Nika

Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Hawkwood


Baroness – Tysha 

Will be attending Barony of Buckland Cross Champions event. Will not be at the Elks Demo; will be  at Lakewood demo on Friday to assist with set-up. Might be able to attend Saturday only. Scroll blanks are needed as well as items for gift baskets. Would be nice to have items in the colors of neighboring  baronies.

Exchequer – Elizabeth 

Accounts are up to date. Current with all required paperwork. No outstanding checks.

Captain of Archers – Elizabeth.

Practice by appointment is available, any day of the week. Will continue to be available for practice in  the fall as weather and temperature permits.

Mistress of A&S Sara 

Submitted a letter of resignation, effective immediately. Ty has A&S supplies and will bring to  Lakewood and GGG. Planning a crafty day for October 27 at Ty’s house. Evalina will contact the A&S  Deputy, Jeremy, about assuming the office of A&S Minister.

Chatelaine – Ciaran 

Attending the Sparta Faire demo to do some recruiting.

Chancellor Minor – Mairghread 

No report

Chronicler – Kieran 

Working of newsletter.

Herald – Aidan 

Nothing to report.

Knight Marshall – Quintus 

No report

Mistress of the Lists – Brigit 

Not much going on. Check in the MOL Forum to find the current address to mail in MOL forms.  Option to submit electronically.

Fencing Marshall – Ellynor 

Twelve fencers attended Southern Army Sunday practice. Not attending Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins  event. Deputy also not attending.

Thrown Weapons Marshall – Gilbert 

Purchased new hardware for the targets, expense totaled $48. Will not be attending Lakewood or  Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins events.

Social Media – Kieran 

Setting up an account on X.

Seneschal – Evalina 

Still no information on the baronial polling. Working on verifying emails of members. Meet and greet  meetings with the candidates will not happen until the new year.

Webminister – Nika

Posted the recent newsletter.


Pennsic – Tysha.

New sheet wall for EK Royal was delivered and installed. There was some flooding in camp again due to the heavy rains. May change the camp layout for some items to avoid areas that are prone to  flooding. There was extra space in the camp this year.

Elks Lodge, Neptune, NJ – Demo.

Plans are ongoing.

Lakewood – Joseph 

Because outside vendors are being given the prime spots for their booths, the SCA vendors attending  are being relocated to the lower field. Aaron asked him to provide a diagram showing where all the  SCA activities will be located.

Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins 

Work on the event is ongoing. The Baronies of Buckland Cross and Iron Bog will also be having their  championships at this event. Receive the dayboard menu, will update the website. Still waiting for final feast menu. Siege weapons are confirmed. Working on the times for the various baronial courts that  will take place. Our fencing and heavy weapons marshals will not be attending. Need to find out if  marshals need to be recruited to run the activities. Need to identify a clean up crew.

Bellringers – 2025 

Still need a bid.

Southern Region War Camp – 2025 

Myq is working on submitting a bid.


Meeting will be on October 9 at the Howell Library.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM

This is the recognized Web Page for Barony of Carillion of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the web minister, Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr.

This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

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