Lord Ciaran Ua Meic Thire

Biographical Info

Hi, I’m Ciaran (pronounced Keer-an). I can be often be found on the fencing list, archery range, and/or helping out wherever I can (half the time chasing after/being chased by Eastern Velociraptors). I got started in the SCA in the Barony of Black Diamond in Atlantia while in college before moving to the East where I have found my home. I first lived in the Barony of Settmour Swamp, then in the Barony of Iron Bog, and now residing in the Barony of Carillion.

I love learning new things and am often bouncing around between different disciplines and/or taking on too many projects (I have been threatened with applying weights to my hands and/or a leash so I stop running off and volunteering for things but so far, they haven’t been able to catch me long enough to get any of those to work). My main foci are usually fencing, archery and A&S (I love doing and teaching papercut arts) with secondary foci in child-wrangling (I used to work with kids and am working on getting my youth marshallate), thrown weapons, running lists (MoL), and generally anything else that looks like fun.

I apologize now if I say/do anything that is upsetting or offensive to you or someone you know. I struggle with social and verbal cues and while I tend to be sarcastic, I often do not register sarcasm or general verbal cues. If I do or say something that upsets you, please let me know so that I may apologize and work on making sure it does not happen again.

Categories: Populace

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