Mistress Kis Maria

Order of the Laurel, Order of the Pelican, Former Baroness of Carillion

Biographical Info

Baroness Mistress Kis Maria was born after a Mongol invasion in the 11th century Mika started out in the Carpathian mountains but has been traveling in an eastward direction ever since. Currently in India, she continues to study the arts and cultures of the vast continent. She earns a living through service to the kingdom, through her art, and endless energy. She has served as Baronial Page Preceptor, EK Southern Region Chancellor of Minors, Assistant to EK Backlog Signet, Baroness of Carillion, and is currently EK Chancellor Minor Deputy for Children with Special Needs. She is a member of House Serpentius and has several current and graduated apprentices.

Categories: Populace

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