Biographical Info
THL Máirghréad Ghearr, Baroness of Carillion first began attending Barren Sands War 2001, then attended a few Pennsics, became active in SCA with the Canton of the Keep by the Endless Sea in the Barony of Carillion in January 2007. Máirghréad is currently focusing on the Tudor era. She has served as Canton Exchequer, Canton Seneschal, Deputy Baronial Seneschal, Baronial Seneschal, EK Event Clerk, and run several events. She has won the Pennsic War’s Estrogen & Axes Championship twice and has been Carillion’s Thrown Weapons Champion. In addition to throwing weapons, she enjoys baking, making silk banners, and is a member of House Grog.
Categories: Populace
Updated 3 years ago.