Biographical Info
Dróttin Randver Kveld-Ulfr, formerly known as Randy of Carillion, attended his first event Pennsic War 44 in 2015. Since then, he has been Baronial Guard and Retainer of Their Excellencies Corcrán and Luned, Deputy Web Minister, Web Minister, Chronicler, and Deputy Seneschal. He has migrated and redesigned the website as well as migrated and redesigned Carillion’s website. He also runs events and trolls. Randver is a member of House Erlendsstaðir and Protégéd to Hanim Islah bint Abbas ibn Habib ibn Hasan.
Persona: 9th Century Norwegian.
The title, Dróttin, is the Norwegian Viking equivalent of Lord.
Categories: Populace
Updated 3 years ago.