Mistress Tysha z Kieva
Baroness of Carillion, Order of the PelicanBiographical Info
Mistress Tysha z Kieva, (called Ty) Baroness of Carillion thrives on being busy which means she has an extensive list of service to her Canton, Barony, and Kingdom. She has served as Exchequer for the Canton of the Keep by the Endless Sea, Southern Region Mistress of A&S, Baroness of Carillion, and Canton Mistress of A&S. She has won the honor of Baronial Archery Champion of Barony of Carillion, Barony of Settmour, and the Barony of Iron Bog as well as Baronial A&S Champion for the Barony of Carillion. At events, Ty has cooked dayboards and feasts, retained for royals, marshaled archery shoots, and run troll tables and events. In addition, she embroiders, sews, appliques, quilts, and paints gifts, largess, and garb. She is the former Protégé to Master Rupert the Unbalanced, a member of House Grog, a member of House Erlendsstaðir, and has a Protégés, Lady Evalina von Schaidag, that she guides by example.