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Biographical Info
Lord Allaster del Blair of House Erlendsstaðir is a 15th Century Scottish privateer hailing from the Scottish Lowlands. He attended his first event, Southern Region War Camp in 2014 and immediately joined the thrown weapons community. At his third event Ghosts, Ghouls, & Goblins in 2015 he won the honor of becoming Baronial Thrown Weapons Champion. He has served as deputy Thrown Weapons Marshal for the barony and enjoys singing with the Sea Dogs.
Email: 176139@members.eastkingdom.orgINTERNET
Biographical Info
Kennari Hrafn Breiðskeggr, OP. My first event was West Windsor Renaissance Faire in May 2004, since then I’ve immersed myself in my Barony and armored combat. Currently as East Kingdom Combat Archery marshal, Seneschal of the Canton of the Keep by the Endless Sea, and heavy marshal at large.
Persona: Hrafn Breiðskeggr
10th century Norse, Varangian Guard.
The title, Kennari, means teacher in Old Norse.