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Biographical Info

Alana found the SCA through a newspaper article while in high school and joined up with a group once she hit college. When she came home from school, she discovered Carillion. She says of her early days “Baron Pug had a real gift for gathering in the folks lurking on the edges and getting them plugged in and involved. Before I knew it I was plugged in and part of the group. Rather than sitting on the sidelines in was actively involved and participating.”

Life demanded a bit of a break from SCA things for a while, but eventually, Alana returned to the society and now can be found primarily in Settmour Swamp.

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Biographical Info

Catherine of Carillion, known as Cat, has been in the society for decades and in recent years has been spending time with her husband, Michael of Carillon, and their growing family. She has shown skill in the arts, having served as A&S Champion of Carillion, and is Apprenticed to Mistress Kis Maria, OL.

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