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Biographical Info

Lady Beatrix Faw, a 14th-century English widow, previously known as Carolina of the Keep by the Endless Sea attended her first event, Pennsic War 25 in 1996. She became active in the Barony of Carillion in 1997 and has raised her children in the society ever since. She served as Seneschal of Canton of Keep by the Endless Sea for over a decade and still enjoys helping with children’s activities.

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Biographical Info

Baron Mathias has been an active member of the Barony of Settmour Swamp for over three decades. Now residing in the Barony of Carillion. First event 1982, In 1989 with Zakor, Lehoric and himself founded the SCA House D’Mer or De la Mer. An Italian Renaissance Household. He kept that group running and thriving for 30 years, passing the leadership of the main group to Lady Zarabeth D’Mer. Then Founding a new House for his new persona House Feuerdrachen von De la Mer, also marrying into his old persona household. He has been a courtiers in the Courts of Andreas and Isabella I Kingdom of the East, and Odo & Elena II Kingdom of Trimaris. Over the years he has decorated Royal Rooms and High Table for Shire of Rusted Woodlands Kenric II and Avelina II, Northpass, Barony of Bhakail, Barony of Settmour Swamp to many to count, Barony of Carrilion in the East Kingdom. Two State Dinner at East Kingdom Royal for Brennan and Caoilfhionn. Royal Dinners in the Kingdom of Trimaris where I camped eight years. Also decorated for Casa de Bardicci for six years.

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Biographical Info

The Honorable Lord Quintus Lucius Fortunatus is from 1st BCE Roman and is a Citizen of Rome in the 8th Roman Legion, squired to Sir Rory MacLellan, and Member of House Erlendsstaðir. He has served as Baronial Heavy Fighting Champion twice and is currently the Baronial Knight Marshal. Quintus had the honor of participating in an inter-kingdom awards exchange at Pennsic War XLVI in 2017, where he joined both the Order of the Red Company (Middle Kingdom), given by William & Isolde, as well as the Order of the Silver Tyger (East Kingdom), given by Ioannes and Honig.

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