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Biographical Info

The Irish Lord Aidan na h-Innsi of House Hammerfall has been a member of the SCA since 2009. In recent years he’s been raising his daughters alongside his Lady wife, Mairghread Knox. Currently serving as Herald and Knight Marshal for the Canton of Keep by the Endless Sea and when he’s able he fights and cooks for his barony and household.

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Biographical Info

Baroness Elizabeth Hawkwood, a 12th century Saxon, has been a member of the society since 1980. She has been dedicated to the advancement of archery in her community for over 20 years, having run countless archery lists, practices, and serving as Baronial Captain of Archers for both her previous and current Baronies. Most recently as the Winner of the Pennsic 49 Known World Baronial Archery Champion Shoot.

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Biographical Info

Hala bint Hasanah (formerly known as Hannah of Carillion) is the daughter Baroness Hasanah bint al-Khalil ibn Habib. Hala has spent her life attending SCA events with her family. She has shown exceptional skill in singing and dance. She has served as Baronial Bardic Champion and received the Baronial children’s service award, the Bellina of Carillion.

Persona: Hala bint Hasanah
هالة بنت حسنة‎
Meaning: Halo, a beautiful woman.
10th Century Seljuk/Seljuq Turkish
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Order of the Chivalry

Biographical Info

Sir Harold Hokonson, an 11th Century Anglo-Saxon, attended his first event, Lakewood Ren Faire, in 1989. In his time in the SCA he has served as Knight Marshal for the Barony, been on an alternate or unbelt for Unbelted Champions 15 times, and the Captain for Unbelted Champions in 2015. He has cooked in numerous kitchens using his skills to do dayboards, feasts, and help others in their kitchen. He is the Co-Leader of his household, Cheshire House and has 2 squires, Lord Muireadhach Ó Cuileannáin from the Barony of Buckland Cross and Lord Onryo of the Barony of Iron Bog.

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Order of the Pelican, Former Baroness of Carillion

Biographical Info

Mistress Mary Theophania Hunn (frequently called Mary the Hunn) has been an active member of the Barony of Carillon for over twenty years. Her first event was Lakewood Ren Faire in approximately 1990 and since then she’s held Baronial offices including deputy A&S, deputy exchequer, chronicler, webmistress, seneschal, and baroness. She has run countless events and cooked even more feasts and dayboards in Carillion and surrounding groups.

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Biographical Info

Persona: c. 1090 Norman Trader
Maternal lineage – Norman

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Biographical Info

I never wanted to be a English lord, but they went ahead and made me one anyway. I guess someone must have found some birth link to nobility that I was unaware of. I can’t read or write, but for some reason, the Barony of Carillion made me their Chronicler. So, I’ve pretty much been faking it ever since. Personally, I see myself more of an archer than anything else, though my skills are quite modest, and I’m not just saying that.

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