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Biographical Info

Lady Ellynor Redpath is a Scottish seamstress living in London in the year 1598. Her activities include tailoring of late-period undergarments, spinning, knitting, embroidery, garb making, patterning, and jewelry making. She also is passionate about archery and fencing. As Carillion’s deputy Fencing Marshal she runs fencing practices and lists. Ellynor is the Cadet of Owyn Greenwood, a member of House TOAD and House Faolach VDK. She is also a member of Athena’s Thimble and a Student of Charitye Dale.

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Biographical Info

In 1398, Séadna Reed was born into a wealthy London family. She married the Duke of Ravengate in 1414 who was subsequently killed in the Battle of Agincourt. Séadna was married for a short time to the Duke’s younger brother & only successor before his death at the Battle of Orleans. This “Black Widow” of Ravengate then happily spent the rest of her many years enjoying the opulent London Court life, visiting her lavish country estates until her death in 1486.

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