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Former Baron of Carillion

Biographical Info

The Honorable Lord Cosimo di Signorelli was the Baron of Carillion at the time of his passing in 2011. He had a colorful career in the SCA after attending his first event, Bellringers, in 1998. Formerly known as Cosmo of Carillion, before settling on his 15th century Italian Renaissance persona. Cosimo had the gift of making people feel like family which included cooking for events, vigils, and friends. He was a member of both House Grog and House Serpentius.

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Biographical Info

The Honorable Lady Evalina von Schaidag, her persona is based on her family from Switzerland, who’s ancestors migrated from Germany as a result of one the many upheavals during the Reformation. The earliest recorded reference to her family name, Scheidegger, is during the 13th century. Evalina has been an active member of the SCA for well over a decade and in that time she has been deputy and acting Baronial Exchequer, Baronial A&S Champion, and run numerous events. She is currently Baronial Chatelaine and Protégé to Mistress Tysha z Kieva.

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Order of the Chivarly, Royal Peer

Biographical Info

Master Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius is a renowned Roman Master of Arms. He has served as King of the East twice alongside his wife, Mistress Ro Honig. His love of martial activity is almost surpassed by his love of cooking, preferring, at times, to win battles through the art of food instead of the sword. So when not on the field, Ioannes can be found helping in the kitchen running dayboards or feasts with his squire, Lord Lawrence Vaughan. He is part of two households as a member of Serpentius and a founder of its sister household, Falcon’s Keep.

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Order of the Laurel, Order of the Rose

Biographical Info

Countess Ro Honig von Sommerfeldt (Most commonly called Honig) has been playing in the SCA since 2005. Her first event was Pennsic 34. She has played with the Barony of Bhakail, Barony of An Dubhaigeainn, Shire of Nordenhalle, the Province of Malagentia and currently with the Barony of Carillion. She received her AOA in July of 2009 and was inducted into the order of the Maunche November of 2011 and into the order of the Laurel at Birka in January of 2014. She served the East as Queen in A.S. 52 with her champion Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius and now serves as a Lady of the Rose.

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