
Golden Chime

Created by the second Baron and Baroness, Bartholomew and Amsha, the golden chime was originally given out as a thank you to those not living within the barony’s borders. The award has changed over the years to now represent a thank you from their excellencies. It holds no precedence and can be given out multiple times. Since the time of Mary the Hunn, each Baron and Baroness have given out their own style of token for this award.

Order of the Sable Bell

Created in 1984 by the baronies first Baron and Baroness, Pagan & Tamar, the Order of the Sable Bell has always been given to those who have done significant and longstanding service for the Barony of Carillion and its populace.

Blazon: (fieldless) a bell sable.

Order of Sante Ruprecht

Created by their Excellencies, Cosmo and Kis Maria, the Order of Sante Ruprecht is awarded to those who have served the Barony for a lifetime. Its members have worked tirelessly to improve and support the Barony for decades including longstanding officers, event staff, and the Baronies former Barons & Baronesses. The award can be given once a year and their Excellencies consult the members of the order before awarding a new member.

Blazon: (fieldless) On a chalice bendwise sable, a bell palewise.

Order of the Bellina

Created by their Excellencies, Cosmo and Kis Maria, the Order of the Bellina of Carillion honors the service of the children of Carillion. It recognizes those under the age of eighteen who want to help and be involved.

Blazon: (Fieldless) A hawk's bell per pale Or and sable.

Order of the Beacon of Carillion

Created by their Excellencies, Cosmo and Kis Maria, the Order of the Beacon of Carillion is awarded to those who have shown artistic or culinary ability and use those abilities to feed and beautify the Barony and its people.

Blazon: Gyronny of sixteen Or and sable, a bell within an annulet argent.

Order of the Iron Bell

Created by their Excellencies, Cosmo and Kis Maria, the Order of the Iron Bell recognizes those who show martial prowess on the archery, fencing, fighting, and throwing fields in service to the Barony.

Blazon: (fieldless) A bell per pale sable and Or

Order of the Gules Bell

Created by their Excellencies, Cosmo and Kis Maria, the Order of the Gules Bell is awarded to honors those whom have suffered an injury while in service to the Barony.

Blazon:(Fieldless) A bell gules.

Order of the Shroud and Bell

Created by their Excellencies, Cosmo and Kis Maria, the Order of the Shroud and Bell or Shrouded Bell honors the members whom have passed on. A celebration of their life and gratitude for the love and service they shared with the Barony and its people.

Blazon:(Fieldless) A bell per bend sable and Or.

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